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A systematic approach to managing a safety and health program, going beyond regulatory requirements with an emphasis on continuous improvement of safety and health performance.

There is published guidance available to support the implementation of an SMS across DoD:

Determine which SMS model your organization wants to implement (e.g., Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP), American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Society of Safety Professional (ASSP) Z10.0, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 45001, Service-specific SMS). Review the SMCX Case for an SMS slide deck and one pager series to see differences between each SMS. When you start SMS implementation, analyze the gaps between the criteria for the SMS model you chose and your current safety and health program.

The answer is yes.

The DoD SMCX is a resource available to DoD Components. Our safety and occupational health professionals have experience with many of the nationally- and internationally-recognized SMSs and standards. If you would like to inquire about DoD SMCX support, reach out to us at (877) 292-2880 or


Online, the SMCX offers free webinars and workshops, generally on a monthly basis. On site, the SMCX offers free assessor courses, SMS implementation and sustainment courses, and compliance-related courses. If you are interested in having on-site training conducted at your organization, contact the SMCX at (877) 292-2880 or or your site’s SMCX Implementation Lead directly, to see if the SMCX supports your topic of interest.

You can register for any of our free online training and education events here on our website. Simply log in or create a free account if you do not already have one. Click the “SMCX Training” tab in the header bar, choose “Virtual Training” and then “Webinars” or “Workshops”. Choose “View Details” for the event you are interested in and select the “Register” button, and then “OK” to sign up. You will receive an email notification with the event-specific attendance details.

Unfortunately, SMCX training and education events do not qualify for CEUs.

Please contact your site's SMCX Implementation Lead directly, or reach out to the SMCX at (877) 292-2880 or, to inquire about scheduling training at your organization.


OSHA VPP is a national recognition program for effective safety management systems (SMS) for employers and workers in both private industry and federal agencies. Earning approval into the VPP Star program requires demonstration of an effective SMS following the OSHA VPP criteria, as well as maintaining injury and illness rates below the national averages for your respective industry (as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics).

Learn more about VPP at OSHA’s VPP/All About VPP website. The SMCX also provides a wealth of OSHA VPP information on the OSHA VPP page.

CSP 03-01-005 is a guide clarifying the policies and procedures for administering OSHA VPP.

Find the latest version of the CSP on OSHA's VPP Policy and Guidance website page.

The OSHA On-Site Report and Worksheet is the tool OSHA uses to conduct on-site VPP evaluations.

The first half of the document is a report, providing specific information about your organization, worksite hazards, and injury and illness rates.

The second half of the document is a worksheet, outlining each VPP element and sub-element OSHA evaluates during their visit. Within the worksheet, several items are listed as minimum requirements (MRs). You must have all the MRs implemented and fully operational to have a minimally effective SMS, but VPP participants are expected to go above and beyond the MRs.

Use the OSHA On-Site Report and Worksheet as a reference to see if your organization meets OSHA’s expectations for OSHA VPP. While the worksheet is part of the CSP 03-01-005, visit the OSHA VPP Policy and Guidance page for the most current version.

The VPP annual self-evaluation is a tool used to self-evaluate the effectiveness of your SMS within a specific calendar year. It is a critical evaluation of the SMS, looking at the overall effectiveness of the VPP elements and sub-elements. It helps organizations identify SMS strengths and weaknesses, as well as identify trends and recommendations for improvement. OSHA VPP requires this critical, annual self-evaluation when applying for OSHA VPP Star approval. VPP Star sites must conduct an annual self-evaluation each year and submit it to OSHA for review by February 15.

The VPP annual self-evaluation is different from the S&H inspections and evaluations required by DoDI 6055.01 and your Service/Agency regulations. The VPP annual self-evaluation has a particular format and information you must include. Find the most current version on OSHA’s website .

The answer could be yes, or no, depending on your organizational goals and where you stand in your VPP implementation efforts.

You are encouraged to complete the annual self-evaluation at the end of each calendar year to identify SMS strengths and weaknesses, devise a plan for moving forward, and promote continuous improvement.

You are required to complete at least one annual self-evaluation prior to submitting an OSHA VPP application. If you plan to submit your OSHA VPP application within the next calendar year, be sure to complete and include at least one evaluation with your application.

If you are not looking to formally apply for OSHA VPP approval, an annual self-evaluation is not required. However, it is still encouraged.

OSHA Challenge

OSHA Challenge is a program offering participants a three-stage implementation plan to develop or improve their safety management system (SMS). Through this program, an OSHA-approved Challenge Administrator guides and mentors the site through the three-stage process. The Challenge Administrator validates the effectiveness of the processes implemented to support the overall SMS.

Visit the SMCX OSHA Challenge Program page or the OSHA Challenge website to learn more about OSHA Challenge.

No, OSHA Challenge is a separate program to help participant sites reach a world-class level of safety and health management. Sites can use the OSHA Challenge program to help implement an SMS worthy of OSHA VPP Star approval. However, participation in the OSHA Challenge program is not required to become an OSHA VPP Star site.

Both OSHA Challenge and OSHA VPP support the elements identified in OSHA’s Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs to promote a proactive approach to safety management.

Any site can participate in OSHA Challenge. To participate, the site must complete an OSHA Challenge application and receive approval by both a Challenge Administrator and the OSHA Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs in Washington, D.C.

A Challenge Administrator mentors OSHA Challenge participant sites through the OSHA Challenge program to improve their SMS. The Challenge Administrator may perform routine evaluations, on-site visits, and data collection to track and validate progress.

A Challenge Administrator can be a corporation, non-profit association, and/or federal agency approved by OSHA to serve as a mentor. Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), which operates the DoD SMCX, is an approved OSHA Challenge Administrator.

Stage I focuses on development of written safety and health programs, policies, and procedures.

Stage II concentrates on implementation of the written safety and health programs, policies, and procedures.

Stage III involves fine tuning the programs, policies, and procedures, with a focus on continuous improvement.

Visit the SMCX OSHA Challenge Program  page to learn more about the three stages of OSHA Challenge.

Participants track their progress using the OSHA Challenge Tracking Participants Status (OCTPS) form.

The Challenge Administrator evaluates the information in the OCTPS form and may conduct an on-site assessment to validate each item and mark them as “complete”. Once the Challenge Administrator marks all items as complete for a stage, the Challenge Administrator sends documentation to the OSHA Challenge Program Manager at the OSHA National Office for review and approval. If approved, OSHA sends the Participant site a stage completion recognition letter.

The SMCX assists DoD organizations with setting up and implementing the OSHA Challenge Program.

If you are interested in details regarding OSHA Challenge or how to become involved in this program, please contact your SMCX Implementation Lead directly, or reach out to the SMCX at (877) 292-2880 or


ASOHMS is the U.S. Army Safety and Occupational Health Management System.

The U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center (USACRC) published the ASOHMS Command Guide, defining ASOHMS as a way to “transition and standardize, strengthen and advance safety and health culture” for the U.S. Army by enhancing “readiness through proactive hazard identification, risk management and execution of Army safety and occupational health (SOH) programs.”

ASOHMS is an Army-specific safety management system Army organizations and sites can implement to meet the requirements of Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6055.01, “DoD Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Program.” DoDI 6055.01 made it DoD policy to implement SOH management systems to protect the safety and health of DoD workers.

Any Army organization or site, including U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, can implement ASOHMS.

Similar to how OSHA VPP defines four elements (Management Leadership & Employee Involvement, Worksite Analysis, Hazard Prevention and Control, and Safety and Health Training), ASOHMS defines six Capability Objectives supporting the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model for continuous improvement.

The ASOHMS Capability Objectives are:

  1. Leadership Engagement and Employee/Soldier Participation
  2. Investigate and Report Mishaps, Incidents, and Illnesses
  3. Conduct SOH Training and Promotion
  4. Conduct Inspections and Assessments
  5. Conduct Hazard Analysis and Develop Countermeasures
  6. Health Protection and Readiness

See the SMCX ASOHMS page for more details on the ASOHMS Capability Objectives.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers volunteered to pilot and adopt ASOHMS more than four years ago, but refers to it as Corps of Engineers Safety and Occupational Health Management System (CE-SOHMS). It is identical in structure and content to ASOHMS.

Yes, there is a recognition program! Army organizations successfully implementing ASOHMS can apply for Army Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Star recognition.

If you are interested in details regarding Army SOH Star site recognition, please contact your SMCX Implementation Lead directly, or reach out to the SMCX at (877) 292-2880 or

ISO 45001

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 45001, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, is an international standard for occupational health and safety (OH&S).

Meeting ISO 45001 requirements helps an organization to improve their safety and health performance. Many sites choose to integrate aspects of ISO 45001 into other management systems at the organization (e.g., quality management [ISO 9001], environmental management [ISO 14001]).

For additional information, visit the SMCX ISO 45001 page and the ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety brochure.

Any organization can adopt the ISO 45001 criteria. Organizations of all sizes, industries, and sectors are welcome.

Conforming to ISO 45001 helps organizations manage risks as a business process and employ practices to proactively improve safety and health performance. Some benefits include driving down injury and illness rates, as well as gaining commitment and support to overall safety and health. Since ISO 45001 is an international standard, it is recognized globally and can give organizations a competitive edge when working with or in other nations.

Certification is not a requirement of the ISO 45001 standard, but to become ISO 45001 certified, an accredited third-party must evaluate your SMS and determine if you meet all ISO 45001 criteria.

The SMCX is not accredited to serve as a third-party certification organization for ISO 45001. However, the SMCX assists DoD organizations in conforming to the requirements laid out in the ISO 45001 standard.

If you are interested in details regarding ISO 45001 implementation assistance, please contact your SMCX Implementation Lead directly, or reach out to the SMCX at (877) 292-2880 or

You can purchase a copy of the standard from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) at .


American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Z10.0, Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS), is an American consensus standard for occupational health and safety (OH&S). ANSI-ASSP Z10.0 provides a framework to help organizations continuously improve safety and health performance. ANSI-ASSP Z10.0 includes key elements and criteria critical to reduce the risk of occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities.

See the SMCX ANSI-ASSP Z10.0 page to find out more about the Z10.0 standard.

Any U.S.-based organization can adopt the ANSI-ASSP Z10.0 criteria. Organizations of all sizes, industries, and sectors are welcome. If your organization opts against implementing an international OHSMS standard, but wants to use a comparable standard compatible with other management systems such as ISO 14001 and ISO 9001, you might find ANSI-ASSP Z10.0 a viable option.

ANSI-ASSP Z10.0 provides organizations with a consistent methodology for planning, implementing, and evaluating their SMS. It also offers the ability to make necessary corrective actions to ensure an ongoing process for risk management and SMS improvement. As an American consensus standard, ANSI-ASSP Z10.0 can give organizations a competitive edge nationally.

Certification is not a requirement of the ANSI-ASSP Z10.0 standard, but to become ANSI-ASSP Z10.0 certified, an accredited third-party must evaluate your SMS and determine if you meet all ANSI-ASSP Z10.0 criteria.

The SMCX is not accredited to serve as a third-party certification organization for ANSI-ASSP Z10.0. However, the SMCX assists DoD organizations in conforming to the requirements laid out in the ANSI-ASSP Z10.0 standard.

If you are interested in details regarding ANSI-ASSP Z10.0 implementation assistance, please contact your SMCX Implementation Lead directly, or reach out to the SMCX at (877) 292-2880 or

You can purchase a copy of the standard from the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) web store at .


FAA SMS is the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Safety Management System (SMS). It uses a formal, top-down, organization-wide approach to manage safety risks and assure the effectiveness of safety risk controls.

The FAA SMS is based on the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Annex 19. FAA SMS focuses on the four foundational elements of Safety Policy, Safety Risk Management, Safety Assurance, and Safety Promotion.

See the SMCX FAA SMS page and the FAA SMS website to find out more about the FAA SMS.

Any product/service provider (certificate holders) and regulators governed by the FAA can participate in the FAA SMS. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) also adopted the same SMS framework for other departmental organizations to implement (e.g., Federal Transit Administration [FTA]).

Military and DoD aviation organizations are excluded from complying with 14 CFR Part 5 and implementing FAA SMS, as it is geared towards commercial and “for-hire” operators. Even with this exclusion, aviation-centric organizations may choose to implement FAA SMS, as it can provide value in “speaking the same language” as their civil aviation counterparts.

Currently, there is no recognition standard for sites or organizations successfully implementing a FAA SMS.

The SMCX assists DoD organizations with the implementation of FAA SMS requirements or assessing organizations against the FAA SMS criteria.

If you are interested in details regarding FAA SMS implementation assistance, please contact your SMCX Implementation Lead directly, or reach out to the SMCX at (877) 292-2880 or

Additional FAQ’s related to other SMS’s coming soon.