Management Leadership & Employee Involvement
Management leadership and employee involvement (ML&EI) is the 1st OSHA VPP element, focused on developing an effective safety and health management system (SHMS) and creating a positive workplace safety culture.
In an effective SHMS, management demonstrates visible safety and health leadership and provides the necessary resources to operate the SHMS. Safety staff develop the safety and health programs, coach the workforce, and promote involvement in safe and healthful work practices. Employees follow established procedures, provide input and feedback about the SHMS and perception of safety and health, and participate in SHMS programs and committees.
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ML&EI ensures the organization has:
- Leadership commitment to the SHMS and employee safety and health
- Visible leadership efforts promoting safety and health
- Adequate safety and health planning, resourcing, and budgeting
- Established safety and health management system procedures
- Procedures holding individuals accountable for safety and health responsibilities
- Union statement(s) in place to support VPP site participation, if applicable
- Safety and health protection and oversight of contractor employees, if applicable
- S.M.A.R.T.1 safety and health goals and objectives created from trend analysis results, focusing on continuous improvement
- Access to safety and occupational health professionals and other certified resources
- “Meaningful” employee participation in at least 3 ways
- Systems and processes supporting a strong safety and health culture
- A comprehensive annual SHMS self-evaluation
1 S.M.A.R.T.— Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound